About certification
The European Digital Certificate
The European Digital Certificate is an exam for adults and teenagers that verifies the participant's digital competences. It is an examination compliant with the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens DIGCOMP version 1.0 and 2.0, which contain 21 framework competences, grouped in five areas:
- Information and data literacy
- Communication and collaboration
- Developing digital content
- Safety
- Problem solving
Exam format:

A complete European Digital Certificate exam consists of five modules corresponding to individual parts of the digital competence framework.
In a single-module exam we verify at least one area of competence at one of the three levels.
Every module of the exam consists of 25 single choice questions.
The time allocated to each module is 25 minutes. The European Digital Certificate exam checks all 21 framework competences.
Exam procedures:
The European Digital Certificate system takes the form of an online platform available within an internet browser.
After registration the candidate is automatically logged into the European Digital Certificate examination platform. At the beginning of the exam the candidate enters the examiner’s ID number and the individual exam session number, which are provided by the examiner.
The result of the exam can be checked by the participant after the session ends and its results are approved by Digital Europe. The certificate confirming the acquired ICT skills is issued by the Digital Europe Foundation. Its pattern is on the right.

The DIGITAL EUROPE Foundation has a supervisory and control function over Examination Centers throughout the country and is the only institution in Poland authorized to issue EUROPEAN DIGITAL CERTIFICATE certificates.