Poziomy zaawansowania DIGCOMP 2.2
Poziom A2
- Information and data literacy
- Communication and collaboration
- Developing content
- Bezpieczeń stwo
- Problem solving
- Basic competence in using popular web browsers - the ability to navigate websites. Using search engines, creating simple queries, selecting relevant search results.
- Familiarity with a variety of information sources and basic credibility assessment. Awareness of secondary sources of information.
- Saving basic digital content. The ability to use data and online information to create one’s own files. Basic file management skills.
- Understanding different forms of networking in the digital world. Creating a user account, managing basic e-mail and instant messaging services. Sending simple text and picture messages.
- Getting familiar with Web 2.0 tools - introduction to popular information sharing services. Using online forms and basic social media management.
- Understanding the concept of civil society - learning about different forms of social activity on the Internet and services where they can be found.
- Online collaboration with other network users. Understanding cloud computing and its advantages and disadvantages. Basic disk and document management in the cloud.
- Understanding the basic guidelines of netiquette and the particular character of human functioning in the digital world.
- Introduction to the subject of creating a digital identity. Understanding the benefits and risks of online activity.
- Creating and editing basic digital content in the form of text, tables, images, videos, and sound. Choosing the appropriate software for the given type of content.
- Making basic changes to content created by the user and other people. Using simple processes of digital content integration.
- Awareness of copyright and license policies - using content and software in accordance with the legal provisions specified by the author.
- Modifying system and program settings to streamline the digital content creation process.
- Understanding the threats of the digital world and taking basic steps to protect one’s device and computer software.
- Awareness of the essence of personal data protection and privacy of web users. Identifying threats related to phishing.
- Understanding potential health risks associated with working with digital devices. Adequate adaptation of the computer workstation.
- Awareness of the impact of digital devices on the environment. Taking basic steps to save electricity.
- Basic knowledge of computer hardware and the ability to connect simple external devices. Obtaining basic information about the condition of the equipment and the operating system.
- Basic computer and mobile device skills and the ability to connect them to the network. Using digital tools in simple analogue activities.
- Awareness of the possibility of using new technologies for creative purposes. Basic use of digital tools to improve digital content.
- Identifying one's own limitations in the use of digital technologies. Independent attempts at completing and updating one’s knowledge.
Poziom B4
- Information and data literacy
- Communication and collaboration
- Developing content
- Bezpieczeń stwo
- Problem solving
- Extended browsing skills - customizing the appearance and functions of a web browser to suit the needs of the user. Information search with the use of more advanced queries, filtering search results.
- The ability to compare information from different online sources and to assess its credibility. Secondary information management - using web 2.0 services.
- Correct saving, storing and searching for digital files, creating individual strategies for digital content management on various digital devices.
- Extended e-mail and instant messaging management skills - customizing the appearance and functions of those services to suit the needs of the user. Using the various functions of communication tools.
- Active use of social networking sites and participation in various online communities that allow sharing information and knowledge.
- Participation in digital forms of civic engagement. Establishing online contact with various institutions and offices.
- Using cloud-based applications, online file and information editing and sharing with other users.
- Applying netiquette guidelines when interacting with other network users, learning the standards in various digital environments.
- The ability to create one's own digital identity on social media and to monitor traces left on the web.
- Extended expertise in editing of digital content in various formats and using advanced software functions. Using a variety of file formats.
- The ability to expand digital content with additional resources, both available within the software as well as external.
- The ability to distinguish between commonly used licenses for computer content and software pursuant to the rules of using resources from other authors.
- Creating simple instructions for the operating system and computer programs to enhance work automation in a digital environment.
- The ability to distinguish between different types of digital threats and choosing adequate tools to prevent attacks. Performing software updates.
- Active influence of the user on the use of personal data by external entities. Configuring privacy settings in applications and services.
- Means of avoiding digital threats to mental health, including addiction and harassment by other users.
- Understanding the idea and principles of the energy efficiency classes of devices and recycling of electronic waste.
- Extended knowledge of computer hardware. Searching various sources for methods of solving previously diagnosed problems. Installing new software.
- Effortless work with a computer and mobile devices. Using new technologies to solve problems in the real world.
- Using technology to generate creative results. Knowledge of issues related to the concept of the Internet of Things.
- Informed and active development of one's own digital competence. Regular use of industry knowledge connected to new technologies.
Poziom C6
- Information and data literacy
- Communication and collaboration
- Developing content
- Bezpieczeń stwo
- Problem solving
- Advanced search strategies - implementation and customization, keeping track of the information on online information sharing sites.
- Information selection by checking and assessing its validity and reliability - tracing the original source - and the detailed content of information.
[?] - Advanced expertise in methods and tools of managing files, content, and information. Using cloud computing for file management.
- Advanced use of e-mail services and e-mail software. Effortless use of numerous communication tools depending on needs and possibilities.
- Using social media contacts in learning and at work according to the legal provisions of sharing information and knowledge.
- Active engagement in the civic activities in the virtual world, implementing one’s own social initiatives.
- Expert online collaboration with other network users. Frequent use of group work tools to create and share resources, knowledge and content.
- Informed use of netiquette principles in various communication spaces and contexts. Developing a strategy for identifying inappropriate behavior.
- Managing several digital identities depending on the context and purpose. Using active methods of digital reputation protection.
- Advanced office software skills - using resources created in a given program to generate content in another application. Developing interconnection between several software programs.
- Priming and combining multiple content elements. Tailoring content to the needs of the user and software.
- Choosing sources of information according to availability and taking full responsibility for using them in accordance with copyright policy.
- Modifying applications and digital services and building commands related to their functions.
- Taking independent initiatives to protect oneself against digital threats. Using additional solutions related to computer security.
- Ensuring an adequate level of personal data protection when creating one's own services and digital content shared on the web.
- Using digital technology to avoid health problems. Keeping a healthy balance between the real and the digital world.
- Using new technologies for environmental protection. The selection and use of devices that work efficiently.
- The skill of independent troubleshooting in case of technical and system problems. The ability to modify devices to suit one’s needs.
- Informed choice and adaptation of digital tools to suit one's needs. Offering suggestions for the use of new technologies in various aspects of life.
- Creative use of various digital technologies and combining their effects. Using smart tools in one’s immediate environment.
- Participation in various types of educational activities using digital technologies. Helping others to develop digital competence.
Certyfikacja Digital Europe pozwala na uzyskanie kwalifikacji z zakresu technologii cyfrowych zgodnych z Ramą Kompetencji Cyfrowych dla Obywateli, DigComp 2.2.
In accordance with the Guidelines for monitoring physical progress in the implementation of operational programs for 2014-2020 ”of 11 July 2018 entitled "Basic information on obtaining qualifications under projects co-financed by the European Social Fund" Wytycznymi w zakresie monitorowania postępu rzeczowego realizacji programów operacyjnych na lata 2014-2020” z 11 lipca 2018 pt. „Podstawowe informacje dotyczące uzyskiwania kwalifikacji w ramach projektów współfinansowanych z Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Digital Europe certification meets the guidelines for documents confirming qualifications for use in projects co-financed from the European Social Fund in the 2014-2020 financial perspective, developed by the Ministry of Development in cooperation with the Educational Research Institute and the Ministry of National Education.
Obtaining an ICT qualification at the A, B, C level in accordance with the guidelines is to obtain a result for a given module on the Digital Europe exam in the amount of 50%. In the case of the examination of several modules, the result of each part of the examination must be greater than or equal to 50%.